Ep. 16: "Some thoughts on living at the borders ones true-creative-self."

http://deadlyarnold.org | http://JCALdigital.org

In this quick episode Josh introduces an idea that has been occupying much of his spare cycles of late, and that's an interpretation from the works of Seneca. 

"..it is the base state of man to live in proximity to, and rarely push up against, the borders of ones true self.." ~ Josh L via Seneca

Josh also shared some words on Instagram to go along with his thinking on this subject: "I used to worry that exploring my internal world was nothing short of pusillanimous escapism, but now I realise (mind you it took a few years off the Jameson and many more greys in my beard to realise) that when I create new things (music, lyrics, podcasts) that it's all coming from that same internal work: From a place where at best I feel confused and at worst I feel tapped, is in fact the place in which I can sneak up on my true self.."

Reach out to Josh directly on the contacts below [ or use #DeadlyArnold on Twitter and Instagram ]
• Em: joshuacliston@gmail.com
• Twitter: twitter.com/joshuacliston
• Instagram: instagram.com/joshuacliston
• Facebook: facebook.com/joshuacliston
• Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/user/show/399554…-joshua-c-liston